AUS/NZ - 20.05.2023 | USA 05.19.2023

Join Sean Collyns Medium, the Spirit World & two guest Mediums for this global online event this May

✧ Experience a mediumship demonstration where your loved ones in the spirit world will have a chance to come forward and send you a direct message

✧ Learn the nature of the spirit world and how they communicate with us

✧ The steps you can take towards strengthening your connection to Spirit

✧ How you can start listening to and trusting in their messages in your daily life

✧ The ‘tell tale signs’ that you might have the makings of a great Medium

What to expect in a demonstration of Mediumship?

During the webinar, Sean along with two guest Mediums will be delivering messages from the Spirit World to people on the live stream.

Make sure you mark you calendar and check your emails for reminders so that you don’t miss out on your chance to receive a message!

Our guest demonstrators,

Jo & Bec are brilliant up and coming mediums who have been mentored by Sean.

They have both been blowing people away with their abilities since! Don’t miss your chance to receive a reading from one of them.

✧ Your chance to receive messages from your loved ones through our 3 mediums

✧ Raise your vibration

✧ Strengthen your connection with spirit

✧ Learn how to feel & sense the spirit world

✧ How to trust the messages you’re receiving

✧ Dispel fears & untruths around spirit communication

100% FREE

AUS 20th May 10am - 11:30am (AEST)

USA 19th May 5pm - 6:30pm (PDT)